Growing Tall Services

Embracing Uncommon Sense

Building communities where we can  live free of fear and invite adventure, joy and peace of mind in to our lives.

Christmas Offer: 

Christmas is the time of peace, fostering connection with our Loved ones, family time, generosity and rest. 

Fact is, we all experience this time differently.  Some can’t wait for it to come as it is their favorite time of the year, others can’t wait for it to be over.

How does your Christmas look like in reality? Is there extra pressure in work? Are your finances stretched? Are you threatening the family dinners, because there is always a fight? 

Or perhaps at this stage  of your life you experiencing extreme loneliness? Maybe you even dislike the whole time as you can’t stand the “put on positivity and jolliness”? On the other hand you would never voice your concerns as you don’t want to sound “negative” or spoil it for others. This can lead to a feeling of even a deeper loneliness.

Why not change this patterns these year?

I have limited places for individual mentorship sessions if you find this time of year difficult.

In the Village Hub Community I also have a special 4 week mentorship group for anyone who seeks connection.

Please contact me below through the links.

Special Christmas Contribution:

€ 30 per individual session (two places available) Sessions individual booked through Calendly

 € 39 for four mentorship meet ups (max 7 participants) Dates: Sunday evenings, 15 Dec, 22 Dec, 29 Dec and 06 Jan at 5 pm UTC (90 mins each)




Do you have any questions and found no answer?

Please feel free to contact me. 

Sent me an e-mail or a message via Facebook messenger. I am also on LinkedIn.  Look  for Gaby Tzeschlock or Growing Tall Services.

Phone calls and 30 mns face-to-face Welcome meetings by appointment only.  Please go to “Contact” for more information.

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